How to increase website traffic?

The success of the website totally depends on its viewers. There is more scope of earning from the website, when there is high traffic on it. More website traffic leads to an increase in sales, an increase in PPC, and an increase in advertisements and sponsors. There are different ways of earning money through websites and all of them are dependent on the quality of traffic it gets. For the website to be successful, it is essential to know how to increase website traffic. Hence, we have discussed this here.

Tips to increase website organic traffic

There are many ways to increase traffic for the website. We have listed the common methods below:


Search Engine Optimization is a procedure used by professionals to increase website organic rankings and traffic by getting it on the top pages of search engines. This section takes care of the research and analysis of your website and the competitors. It also deals with content, keywords, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, marketing, and reports. SEO is becoming famous day by day, as it is one of the legitimate ways to gain more website traffic these days.


Websites can be advertised on different forums such as other websites, social media sites, search engines, hoardings, radio, and television. By advertising your website, you can make people aware of your website. Advertising not only helps to gain more people to visit your website, but it also helps to build your brand name. Advertisements are one of the oldest, yet effective ways to increase customers.

Social Media Marketing

For people to know that your website exists, it is necessary to make them aware of it. This can be done by using the above techniques. SEO deals with social media marketing too. However, if you do not have much investment, opt for social media marketing campaigns only to increase website traffic. There are several social networking sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and more. This section requires active participation, such as creating groups, posting links, sharing pictures & videos, commenting, and interacting with people. Wisely use social media to increase your website visitors.

Chatting Forums

Technology is helping us to connect easily through chat applications. So you can add groups and share your website on chatting forums such as WhatsApp, Viber, snapchat, and more. Add friends to groups, and share images, videos, and links related to your website. Request your friends to share it with their friends and spread the message. This way by word of mouth your website can get popular too.

Guest Blogging for more website traffic

Blog on famous guest blogging sites related to your website. This can lead to people of similar interest knowing about your website. Keep your website open to guest blogging, as this will lead people of similar interest to post on your site. While these people guest blog, their viewers will view your site as well. Hence, guest blogging is a nice way to increase quality traffic on your website.

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing can be done by giving an option to your viewers to enter their email addresses to get details from your brand. Offer free tutorials or videos to get the interest of your viewers and later you can send them the latest updates on your websites by email. This method is useful for having continuous traffic because there is the possibility of people viewing your site whenever they receive the email.

Excellent website features

All the above steps make you visible to people. However, its main features such as loading speed, responsiveness on mobile sites, and user-friendly features are essential for viewers to like your website. Ensure your website is beautiful, neat, and easy to handle. Add quality images, videos, and infographics as and when required.

To ensure your website’s success, you have to give quality products and useful information. By following the above-mentioned steps you can increase website traffic easily.