How to Get More Traffic by Fixing Keyword Cannibalization Easily

If you have a website and want more people to visit it, you might have heard about something called “keyword cannibalization.” It’s not as scary as it sounds! In simple words, keyword cannibalization happens when your website has multiple pages that are trying to rank for the same keyword. This can confuse search engines like Google and make it harder for your website to show up in search results.

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But don’t worry! Fixing keyword cannibalization is not as hard as it seems. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do it quickly and effectively:

Keyword Cannibalization.

Step 1. Identify Keyword Cannibalization

The first thing you need to do is figure out if your website has a keyword cannibalization problem. Here’s how you can do it:

1.Make a List of Your Important Keywords

Write down all the main keywords you want your website to rank for.

2.Search Each Keyword on Google

Go to Google and type in each keyword one by one. See which pages from your website are showing up into search results.

3.Check for Multiple Pages

If you notice that more than one page from your website is showing up for the same keyword, you might have a keyword cannibalization issue.

Step 2: Analyze Your Pages

Once you’ve identified the keywords that are causing cannibalization, it’s time to analyze the pages:

1.Look at Content and Titles

 Compare the content and titles of the pages that are ranking for the same keyword. Are they very similar? Are they targeting the same audience?

2.Check Internal Links

See if these pages are linking to each other. Internal links can confuse search engines about which page is more important for a particular keyword.

Step 3: Decide Which Page to Keep

To fix keyword cannibalization, you need to decide which page should be the main one for each keyword. Here’s how you can do it:

1.Choose the Strongest Page

Look at factors like traffic, backlinks, and the quality of content. Pick the page that is already performing better or has more potential.

2.Merge Similar Content

If the pages are very similar, consider merging them into one  page. This will make it clear to search engines which page should rank.

Keyword Cannibalization

Step 4: Optimize Your Content

Once you’ve decided which page to keep, optimize it for the target keyword:

1.Update Title and Meta Description

Make sure the title and meta description clearly reflect the keyword you want to rank for.

2.Update Heading Tags

Use heading tags (like H1, H2) to structure your content and include variations of the keyword naturally.

3.Rewrite Content if Necessary

If the content is thin or outdated, refresh it with more valuable information that provides a better user experience.

Step 5: Redirect or Remove Other Pages

After optimizing your chosen page, you need to deal with the other pages that were competing for the same keyword:

1.Redirect Pages

If the other pages have valuable backlinks or traffic, set up redirects to point them to your chosen page. This passes on the SEO value to the preferred page.

2.Delete or Noindex

If the other pages are not important or have duplicate content, you can delete them or use a “noindex” tag to tell search engines not to index them.

Step 6: Monitor and Adjust

SEO is an ongoing process, so it’s important to monitor the impact of your changes:

1.Check Search Rankings

Keep an eye on how your chosen page is performing in search results. It may take some time for search engines to recognize the changes.

2.Track Traffic and Conversions

Use tools like Google Analytics to see if your website traffic and conversions improve after fixing keyword cannibalization.


Fixing keyword cannibalization is crucial for improving your website’s SEO and getting more traffic from search engines. By following these steps—identifying the issue, analyzing your pages, choosing the strongest one, optimizing it, and managing other pages—you can quickly and effectively resolve this problem. Remember, SEO takes time, so be patient and consistent with your efforts. Happy optimizing!